This early production P1876 bayonet is complete with its rare Mk1 pattern scabbard with three brass rivets.
The Martini Henry Pattern 1876 socket bayonet, officially named the “Bayonet Common Long” was nicknamed the "Lunger" by the troops. The blade is triangular with relatively blunt edges and was purely a stabbing weapon.
1876 pattern bayonets were initially only marked with the War Department stamp, Broad Arrow and an Enfield inspection mark. From July 21st 1882, the date of manufacture was added to the forte. The majority of 1876 pattern bayonets were manufactured by the Royal Small Arms factory Enfield.
The 546mm tri-form blade is in very good condition with small areas of pale tarnish and a couple of small patches of shallow pitting along the bottom edge. The base of the blade is nicely stamped with the War Department “WD” stamp, Broad Arrow and Enfield inspection stamps. The absence of a date stamp indicates that the bayonet was made prior to July 1882.
The socket is in good condition with its original blueing remaining. The socket is stamped on top with the issue number 343. The mortise ring on the socket works perfectly.
The bayonet is complete with its rare Mk1, brass mounted black leather scabbard. The presence of three brass rivets on the scabbard dates its’ manufacture to pre-July 1877. It is likely that the bayonet was produced around the same time, as the issue numbers on the scabbard and bayonet are close. The brass locket with integral frog stud is marked with an Enfield inspection stamp, WD and arrow. The teardrop frog stud is stamped with the issue number 251. The brass chape is also marked with a WD and arrow. The scabbard is in very good condition and the bayonet sheathes and draws smoothly.
This is a great example of the iconic Anglo-Zulu War Martini Henry bayonet, made between June 1876 and July 1877 and complete with a rare first pattern scabbard.